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Re: gEDA-user: gEDA Suite CD .isos available

On Thu, 30 Dec 2004, Alvin Oga wrote:

*  Gerbv -- interesting point about 0.16.  I will uprev to gerbv-1.0
when I release the next version.

thanx .. didn't expect your cd to have it, since its been out just a couple of days

It was actually out before the latest gEDA suite that is on the CD. By four hours or something;-)

it was fun to play with 0.15 and 0.16 and way backwards to 0.13 to
see that some stuff was fixed or not, but 1.0.0 seems clean for
the tests i did and playing with it

Hm, there is something that's missing/broken? If it's a trivial problem, I fix. If it's not, it rather go into the bug database for future reference.
Anyhow, tell me.
