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Re: gEDA-user: gEDA Suite CD .isos available - gerbv-0.16

hii ya /spe

> On Thu, 30 Dec 2004, Alvin Oga wrote:
> It was actually out before the latest gEDA suite that is on the CD. By 
> four hours or something;-)
things move fast doesn't it :-)

> > it was fun to play with 0.15 and 0.16 and way backwards to 0.13 to
> > see that some stuff was fixed or not, but 1.0.0 seems clean for
> > the tests i did and playing with it
> Hm, there is something that's missing/broken? If it's a trivial problem, I 
> fix. If it's not, it rather go into the bug database for future reference.
> Anyhow, tell me.

problems while compiling with gerbv-0.16 at least on slackware-9.1
and probably other versions/distros

	- "configure" needs to be modified
		 s/PNG_LIBS = -lpng/PNG_LIBS = -lpng -lz -lm/

	- gcc "linking" needs to be manually linked
		add -lz to the list of libs

	- these minor tweeks seems to be fixed in gerbv-1.0.0


- i always download and compile all apps, latest version at the time i install
	- i don't use rpm nor deb ... tooo broken in most cases
	and is not portable to other distro's
		- using *.rpm on *.rpm based machines "should work"
		- using *.deb on *.deb based machines "should work"

	everybody(custoemrs) all uses whacky modified distro's
	and tgz files always compile and installs and works

c ya