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gEDA-user: gEDA Suite CD - round 2

hi ya "geda CDerz"

i deleted the email about "somebody, please put geda into knoppix"
( my fat fingers )

i think, like all things, it either takes time or knowledge or $$$$
and lots of "testing" ...
	- if the cd works good .. people will use it
	- if its too buggy, we'd be wasting our time/energy

	- we'd need to make a good/reasonable effort vs
	haphazzard slap it together efforts

if there is enough people in SF bay area, i have plenty of
hardware we can install various flavors of linux and test
and generate "free" eda CDs
	- test on fedora core3, slackware, redhat-ws3, suse-9.x
	( support/test distro's where customers has checks in hand
	( for their services they're looking for

	and for fun, debian-testing

	( that'd be at least 5 boxes to build and test/use )

	- "people" and do the "testing" remotely too

- making bootable cd's is relatively trivial
	- making it install into any random users system
	and that it works purrfectly is NON-trivial

	- i go on the assumption, that the user was happy
	with their box, and we should NOT change their
	libs or other apps to make geda isntall and work on
	their box .. ( bad idea to change it for them ... )

- a standalone cd is best way to do it, and also it'd just
  need to symlink to "/home/geda" for some working area

- its a super long weekend ... 
	- if anybody is game to build some boxes and 
	distribute free eda CD's ... i'm game 

- if it's my choice .. i'd use slackware ... as it turns
  out that it works with just about "every app"
  i play with, while pre-packaged *.rpm or *.deb might be
  work if it install/work the first time, but, if not,
  it's not worth the time/energy to have made the *.rpm or *.deb

  tarball always works/install on most any distro/environment
  ( with few whacky exceptions )

c ya