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gEDA-user: Putting FreeDog on IRC ..... was: Free Dog Gathering on Wed Dec 6th
Greetings, gEDA-users --
Regarding the upcoming Free Dog meeting this Wednesday (Dec 6th):
Can those not in Cambridge, MA, USA participate via IRC?
Ales and I did some recon at the Cambridge Starbucks this morning.
Unfortunately, they only have evil corporate pay-through-the-nose
wireless networking available. Therefore, this gathering will not be
accessable to folks on the net. As always, you *can* participate by
coming to Cambridge for a live visit!
Moving forward, we will discuss alternate venues where we can get
free, community-based wireless network access. The Boston area is
full of spots with free wireless. Indeed the mayor of Boston has
recently announced a plan to have free wireless coverage over the
whole city at some point in the near future [1]. Therefore, I hope
that we can at least have an IRC channel up and running in time for
January's meeting. And we might have more! ..... like an audio feed
and/or Skype or equivalent. Please hang tight!
[1] FWIW, I believe that Boston is a Johnny-come-lately to this
party. I believe that many municipalities across the US alreay have
free municipal wireless. Is the same true in Europe?
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