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Re: gEDA-user: Tomorrow! December Free Dog meeting announcement -- reminder!

>cutting up the pie, and handing out the pieces.  If Ales is ever
>perceived -- rightly or wrongly -- to allocate the pie unfairly, it
>can breed resentment.

	Well, now that you mention it, pies would be nice.  Yes, please
donate using SF so I can buy pies. :->

	I agree with Stuart on all the above points.  Accepting money
and then deciding what to do with it fairly is non-trivial and tricky.

>On the other hand, if we agree upfront that *no* donation money goes
>to any developer, then the money can be used for advertising (for 
>example), like taking out quarter-page spreads in Circuit Cellar.
>That might not be a bad idea.....

	What about pies for developers? :) 

>Anyway, thanks for the thought.  We can discuss it tonight.

	Yup, this is a very worthy topic of continued discussion.  
I have a few more topics:

* Issues about the future of the gEDA server
* My universal binaries (I may have something to try out tonight)
* The Windows port continued...
* Kai-Martin Knaak's "Wishes, bugs, and misunderstanding" lists.
  (I like these lists btw, and I want to talk about some of the issues

It is clear that there interest in the topics, so we will keep meeting notes
and post them. 


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