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Re: gEDA-user: making gnetlist calm down

> problem 2:
> I get several errors like this:
> ERROR: Pin(s) with pintype 'unknown': U47:10 U48:10 U49:10 U50:10 U45:10
> [snip]
>         are connected to pin(s) with pintype 'unknown': U47:10 U48:10
> U49:10 U50:10 U45:10
> [snip]

If you look in the gschem master attributes list it tells you what the
pintype is for. It can be (is?) used for design rule checking. Many
symbols haven't got these attributes defined, which causes the warning.
I ignore these.

> problem3:
> ERROR: Net unnamed_net58 is not driven.
> How do I figure out where "unnamed_net58" actually is?

If gnetlist generates a netlist file you can maybe look for
"unnamed_net58" in there and see what it's connected to (presumably just
one thing).

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