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Re: gEDA-user: licensing (GPL or otherwise) for hardware?

On Wednesday 13 December 2006 18:15, Andy Peters wrote:
> To continue on the "GPL and BSD" topic ...
> Just to clarify: if I use GPLed or BSD-licensed tools to develop
> hardware, as well as using GPLed symbols/footprints, am I obligated
> to open-source the hardware design (the schematic, the PCB layout)?
> Common sense says no, but the degrees of freedom (hah hah) in open-
> source licenses vary greatly, and if I cannot keep my designs
> proprietary, then I can't use the tools.

The issue is the GPL license on the __footprints_and_symbols__, not on the 
tools.  The problem is thus: the footprints are automatically under 
copyright.  The layout is clearly a derivative work of the footprints, and 
thus requires a license from the person who owns the copyrights on the 
footprints in order to distribute.  If this license happens to be the GPL, 
then you must make available source files (i.e. PCB layouts and 
schematics) "in the preferred form for modification" (i.e. actual EDA tool 
files) to anyone who receives from you either the layouts, the schematics or 
the boards themselves.

This is why either:

 - IMHO footprints or symbols should be distributed under the GPL license

 - If they are, the copyright owner should provide an exception applying to 
schematics and layouts using them.

If there's any doubt, or if you want to be absolutely certain you're safe, you 
should produce your own symbol and footprint library for use in your designs.

But there is no issue at all with the license on the __tools__.



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