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Re: gEDA-user: Comments: libgeda and fedora packaging

On Sun, 2008-12-21 at 12:24 +0100, Chitlesh GOORAH wrote:

Hi Chitlesh,

> Hello there,
> I don't recall if I have already sent a similar email before, but
> below are some minor items that I want it to be fixed upstream. Most
> of these have already being fixed in fedora (except the warnings
> undefined-non-weak-symbol and shared-lib-calls-exit).
> [root@cgoorah ~]# rpmlint libgeda
> libgeda.i386: W: shared-lib-calls-exit /usr/lib/libgeda.so.33.0.1
> exit@xxxxxxxxx

That's not a big deal... it's our shared lib, and we know we're calling
it. Could perhaps be fixed though.

> libgeda.i386: W: undefined-non-weak-symbol /usr/lib/libgeda.so.33.0.1
> load_newer_backup_func

Those ought to be fixed in the 1.5.x series. They are back-imports, and
aren't actually a problem for 1.4.x. They are more of a problem for
portability to windows actually.

> libgeda.i386: W: unused-direct-shlib-dependency
> /usr/lib/libgeda.so.33.0.1 /usr/lib/libpangocairo-1.0.so.0
> libgeda.i386: W: unused-direct-shlib-dependency
> /usr/lib/libgeda.so.33.0.1 /usr/lib/libpango-1.0.so.0
> libgeda.i386: W: unused-direct-shlib-dependency
> /usr/lib/libgeda.so.33.0.1 /usr/lib/libcairo.so.2
> libgeda.i386: W: unused-direct-shlib-dependency
> /usr/lib/libgeda.so.33.0.1 /lib/libgmodule-2.0.so.0

Not sure about those. I guess some of the build flags just need

> The warnings should be corrected.
> static libraries /usr/lib64/*.la should be not be shipped. Shouldn't
> the --disable-static solve this ?

Hmm, are you sure. What about building the -dev version?

> In the fedora libgeda package, I ensure that libgeda owns the
> directory /usr/share/doc/gEDA. In this directory I put all the docs
> related to
> - what is geda and friends
> - how to use those tools
> Thereby, the libgeda source package which contains some *.html and
> *.png are pushed to /usr/share/doc/gEDA

> install -d %{buildroot}%{_docdir}/gEDA/
> install -pm 0644 docs/*.html   %{buildroot}%{_docdir}/gEDA/
> install -pm 0644 docs/logo.png %{buildroot}%{_docdir}/gEDA/

> Currently the libgeda-1.4.2 doesn't place these files during the make
> install procedure. I would like if you (as upstream) could adopt such
> directory structure, so that every distribution would not define his
> own.

Just developer documentation. You need to "make doxygen" in that dir to
generate it properly.

We don't install it because there is no great reason to.

> Below you will find some other directory ownership of the geda
> packages, that the fedora libgeda and geda-symbols take care of:
> # geda-symbols is the Owner of the following directories
> #%dir %{_docdir}/gEDA/readmes
> #%dir %{_docdir}/gEDA/man
That sounds like a bug.. shouldn't man pages go in /usr/share/man/?

> #%dir %{_docdir}/gEDA/examples
> #%dir %{_datadir}/gEDA/bitmap
> # libgeda is the Owner of the following directories
> #%dir %{_datadir}/gEDA
> #%dir %{_datadir}/doc/gEDA/

gEDA documentation is installed by the geda-doc package,  so most of my
documentation is in /usr/share/doc/geda-doc/ which seems vaguely
intuitive. As I mentioned, upstream libgeda doesn't install its

> #%dir %{_datadir}/gEDA/scheme
> Wouldn't be nice if the locales should be libgeda.lang instead of
> libgeda33.lang ?

No, I was careful to make it libgeda33.lang. Note that the 33 matches
the SOVERSION of the libgeda you're using. It allows for co-installs of
different libgeda versions. Not something I expect anyone to do very
often, but something I was asked to do by Debian, who always ship
incompatible library versions with a different package name.

> # locale's
> #find_lang libgeda33
> if [ -d %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/locale/ ]; then
>   for lang_dir in %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/locale/* ; do
>     lang=$(basename $lang_dir)
>     echo "%lang($lang)
> %{_datadir}/locale/$lang/LC_MESSAGES/libgeda33.mo" >> %{name}.lang
>   done
> fi

Not sure what that code-fragment does, or why you posted it.. is there a
problem with libgeda33?

> At fedora, we got some strict packaging guidelines, thereby I will
> send you some comments of other geda packages in separate emails(this
> week). Thus I can track my requests :)


Best wishes,

Peter Clifton

Electrical Engineering Division,
Engineering Department,
University of Cambridge,
9, JJ Thomson Avenue,

Tel: +44 (0)7729 980173 - (No signal in the lab!)

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