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Re: gEDA-user: blue sky ideas - written down finally

Hi DJ, 

-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Van: geda-user-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:geda-user-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx] Namens DJ Delorie
Verzonden: zondag 27 december 2009 4:12
Aan: geda-user@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Onderwerp: gEDA-user: blue sky ideas - written down finally

I took the time to document my ideas about heavy vs light symbols and the
pin mapping problem:


I got tired of looking it up in the mail archives or referencing it as "some
time in the past...".

If you remember me saying more about these than I wrote down, and can find
it in the mail archives, let me know so I can add to them.


geda-user mailing list

Good thing to write these ones up, maybe even put them on a wiki page on
gpleda.org so others can join in on the fun and contribute by
adding/extending/correcting/elaborating etc.

On the pin mapping subject I miss an example of the power pins of a
rail-to-rail opamp, just to nail these troublemakers down as well (sometimes
I get Vss hitched to ground instead of the negative voltage rail).

An interesting article about this subject lives here:


The syntax for defining swapable pins and (swapable) gates is something that
one could probably work out quite easily, and feels "natural" to me :)

BTW: there are two D2 pins in your RAM chip example.

On the subject of the database, it's a bazillion parts ot there, only to be
done on a "what-you-need-is-what-you-put-in-the-dbms-first" basis.

This has to be a distributed effort in some way, gedasymbols.org is a good
starting point, it's to big a job for one individual person.

And even for all contributors themselves it's like scratching their own itch

1) do what is neccessary, 

2) do what is possible, 

And the impossible is done by doing 1) and 2)  :)

Kind regards,

Bert Timmerman.

geda-user mailing list