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Re: gEDA-user: comments on gcode generation (was: Re: exporting single pcb layers)
> * no voronoi mode: all the "other tools" (see below) support a mode
> where they fill the unused area of the board with the closest net.
> this cuts the machining time down to less than 50%.
Can you explain more?
> * strange outline behavior: i'm not sure what the outline file is
> supposed to do, but for my testing example it cuts on the inside and
> the outside of the outline line, and additionally cuts in the drill
> holes. this might be a bug, depending on what it is supposed to do
> exactly.
What do you mean with outline file? Can you provide an example?
> * no mill drilling: if a milling head is used to cut out the board along
> its outline, the same tool can be used to drill arbitrarily large
> holes by moving in circles. that might be what is intended with the
> holes in the outline layer, but they don't really fit size- and
> shape-wise.
There is a patch on sourceforge that adds pre drilling, but a
drillfile is needed anyways for those who wish to drill separately.
> * parameters: there are five tunable parameters in the gcode export,
> while there are roughly three times as many in pcb2gcode, most
> prominently the feed rates and speed settings. while of course the
> number of parameters is not an indicator of completeness or quality, i
> think it is roughly representative of the state of pcb's gcode
> support.
Nobody has ever asked more (almost nobody uses this exporter); there
is a patch to specify some more parameters, but you should request in
detail what you need.
> please don't take that personally, i just think it's not quite there --
> at least yet.
No problem, at least you tried it; one thing I would ask you is to
detail exactly what you need, so that I or somebody else can improve
the code.
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