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Re: gEDA-user: PCB: coordinates and angles of the components

On 12/01/2010 04:53 AM, Kovacs Levente wrote:
On Wed, 01 Dec 2010 01:58:06 +0100
kai-martin knaak<kmk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>  wrote:

Is the goal you achieve a common one? If so, can the script be
included in the distribution of pcb in some way, please? It would
spare other users the need to reinvent the wheel.
This is a good question. Well, I made a few scripts in the past. They are


If someone thinks that some of them are worth distributing along with
gEDA/PCB, then it can be downloaded from here.

However, I don't think they should go with PCB. Instead I'd create a PCB
goodies package, which would be full of scripts, and user contributed stuff.

Even, it would be enough to have a web page full of user contributed links.

Just my EUR 0.02

Note that the script now outputs the placement side of a particular element as


Sorry for my late reply - but have you tried the BOM export (File -> Export Layout->BOM). One of the output files from that is an XYRS (X, Y, Rotation, Side) text file.



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