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Re: gEDA-user: Announcement : gTAG schematics released

adyer@enteract.com said:
> 6) maybe add some leds for the programmers on PA4/PA5 

There are plenty of gadget ports with PB and PC connected to a header.
LEDs are board space for a board that will probably be about the size
of a matchbox:-)

adyer@enteract.com said:
> 8) maybe add a two pin jumper on reset to allow shorting it to ground
> for development

Unnecessary. The micro can be reset via th USB controller. And if that's
not good enough, pull the USB cable to cut the power. But, this chip is
pretty hosed and confused if the USB channel can't reset it.

adyer@enteract.com said:
> 10) you have the wakeup# pin on the micro pulled high - if you aren't
> planning on using suspend mode the docs say to hold the pin low.

I see no possible use for suspend mode in this. Besides, there is no
source for a wakeup signal. So you might have caught a real bug here.

Steve Williams                "The woods are lovely, dark and deep.
steve@icarus.com              But I have promises to keep,
steve@picturel.com            and lines to code before I sleep,
http://www.picturel.com       And lines to code before I sleep."