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Re: gEDA-user: Announcement : gTAG schematics released

On Mon, Feb 05, 2001 at 03:56:22PM -0800, Stephen Williams wrote:
> adyer@enteract.com said:
> > 6) maybe add some leds for the programmers on PA4/PA5 
> There are plenty of gadget ports with PB and PC connected to a header.
> LEDs are board space for a board that will probably be about the size
> of a matchbox:-)

LOL - usually the s/w guys are always asking for another few leds...
If you are panelizing the boards it may not be a big deal - besides
another 2 1206/0805/0603 size package won't make much difference.  If
you don't want the LEDs, at least run the unused port pins over to the
c.y.a. connector.