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Re: gEDA-user: gschem crash on zoom in or zoom out commands

> My linux system is Suse 7.3 based, some/lots of smaller? things added in the years.

Hmmmm . . . . .

[. . . .  long tale of woe snipped . . . . .]

> Today i started my schematic and got the error below.
> When running the program inside gdb it says:
> (gschem:12239): Gdk-WARNING **: gdkdrawable-x11.c:764 drawable is not a pixmap or window
> Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
> 0x4056eb56 in XWarpPointer () from /usr/X11R6/lib/libX11.so.6
> (gdb)


It looks like you are trapped in a firey pit of dependency hell.  It's
hard to help you without actually seeing the machine and working on
it.  Here are some things to keep in mind while hacking around:

1.  Since your machine is old and you've worked on it a lot, your
libraries might be misconfigured, or gschem might be reading in
libraries which are incompatible with one another.  You can see which
libraries are read in when running gschem like this:

ldd `which gschem`

Make sure that all the libs listed are the most recent ones which you
have installed.  You may be suprised to find that some old library you
forgot about is being read in.

2.  One unix problem is that new libraries are sometimes placed in
/usr/lib, and sometimes in /usr/local/lib.  RedHat distributions put
stuff into /usr/lib, whereas Debian tends to favor /usr/local/lib.
SuSE made the situation worse by introducing a new directory tree
under /opt.  For all I know, it also has a lib directory.

Make sure that you are not reading in libs from /usr/lib when you
think they are coming from /usr/local/lib.  If you have incompatible
libraries hiding in different places, all kinds of problems can

3.  The installer only works with SuSE 9.X, as you pointed out.  Note
that to install on SuSE you need to have SuSE Professional.  SuSE
Personal (i.e. the free download version) lacks the GTK and GDK
development libs which are required to compile the GTK based apps
(i.e. gschem).  YOu can try installing on the newer SuSE machine if
you locate and install the GTK & GDK libs on it.  Then, either the CD
should work, or you can just copy the tarballs off the CD and compile
them manually.

4.  Since you evidently know how to run gdb, it would be interesting
to see a backtrace when you get the segfault.

Good luck!
