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gEDA-user: symbol trouble


I saw a little problem with a symbol BC557-1.sym. The arrow isn't on the
good branch. I've reworked it graphically and I join it to this mail.


BTW: I'm on Debian/Sarge and I fail to update with the 20041228 version
because of a lack of geda-symbols and libgeda22. Is there someone who
know when will these packages be available? If I can help...

Sur http://www.iznogood-factory.org , vous avez parmi des
doc techniques en français, celle de cinglés qui développent
des outils pour les schémas électroniques: gEDA.

Attachment: BC557-1.sym
Description: Binary data

Attachment: pgpfllhuDOtxM.pgp
Description: PGP signature