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Re: gEDA-user: gnetlist in a Makefile

Hello Carlos,

the patch works fine. Thank's for your work.

the makefile shrinks to: 

# start simulator
test4: test4.cir
	ngspice  test4.cir

# create spice netlist
test4.cir : test4.sch
	gnetlist -q -g drc2 test4.sch -o test4.drc
	gnetlist -q -g spice-sdb test4.sch -o test4.cir 


> If there are errors, gnetlist will raise an error. If there are only
> warnings, then gnetlist will raise an error ONLY if it's in non-quiet
> mode.
> I mean that if you don't want gnetlist to generate an error when there
> are only warnings, then use the -q flag when executing gnetlist.

I personally think, you should separate the function quiet mode (gnetlist -q) 
and error code one in case of warning. Sometime in the future, one user will 
come up with the request: I want to use gnetlist in a script with quiet mode 
but need to stop when a warning appears .....

It's up to you. I can use it like it is today.
