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Re: gEDA-user: Debian gEDA update

On Sun, 13 Feb 2005 22:43:32 +0100, Iznogood
<iznogood@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> The only "anomaly" is that gschem and the others asked for libgeda22
> were satisfied by libgeda20 update but evrythink seems working fine.

That caught me off-guard as well, but note that the latest geda-*
packages no longer request libgeda22. It should make sense after you
read the latest entry in the packaging changelog

libgeda (20041228-2) unstable; urgency=low

  * Revert library package name to libgeda20 from libgeda22.
  * Change in debian library packaging strategy for gEDA.

    This strategy is designed to cope with regular SONAME changes better.
    given that the application packages are a small set which are always
    released at the same time as the library, and maintained by the
    same developer.

    The application packages now depend on a virtual package called
    libgeda-<soname>, which is provided by the library package.
    When the library version changes, all dependent packages must
    be rebuilt, which is standard practice anyway.

    Later, libgeda20 should be renamed to libgeda. This should all
    avoid regular NEW processing delays due to library name changes.

  * Added conflicts with existing versions of gEDA application packages
    to force an upgrade to the new scheme. Otherwise, gEDA <= 20040111
    would install with this libgeda20 but not run.
  * Trimmed pre-woody libgeda versions from the Conflicts line.

 -- Hamish Moffatt <hamish@xxxxxxxxxx>  Sun, 13 Feb 2005 00:14:01 +1100

- Charles Lepple