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gEDA-user: Repository for symbols and footprints

As per the email thread two weeks ago, a repository for symbols
and footprints has been setup. Currently, the main webpage, the
page containing the license and the page with an FAQ are online.

Before a page listing symbols and footprints is put on line, I'd really
appreciate feedback from everybody regarding the license and the FAQ
as well as how everybody would like this resource to work. The website
can be accessed at:


As I said, at the moment, the link to the license works as well as the link to 
the FAQ. None of the other links are up. The license is basically a reprint
of John Luciani's license with added protection for the authors of footprints
and symbols as well as a very clear description of allowed usages of the 
symbols and footprints. 

For this to be a success, feedback is needed. 

Best regards

Marvin Dickens

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