On Feb 28, 2005, at 10:37 PM, Marvin Dickens wrote:
"99.8% of PCBs user base" indeed.
This is troll bate. Of all users on this list, why would you attempt
to embarrase me or troll me? Grow up.
Marvin, I'm sorry if you took what I said as troll bait, it was not
intended as such.
You are proposing that portability to non-Linux systems be thrown
away in return for one poor implementation of anti-aliased fonts in
menus. All PCB users are not Linux users. In fact, as I said in
private email, of the dozen or so PCB users I know, only one of them
runs Linux.
The attitude that "all the world's a Linux box" the biggest reason
why a lot of today's free software is going into the crapper. If PCB
goes that way as well, it will be a damn shame.
Dave McGuire "I've watched Harley people throw up
Cape Coral, FL on the ceiling." -Krissi