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Re: gEDA-user: Layernames in gerber files

kaimartin -

On Fri, Feb 03, 2006 at 03:54:43PM +0100, kmk wrote:
> They complained that were duplicate layer names. Namely there were
> multiple instances of the layer name "LNGROUP_3"

I can't comment on this, sorry.

> Also they found the file names of the files unusual. They`d rather stick
> to the convention "top, bottom, overlay..". The gerber files of my dummy
> project do not contain the name of the project. Instead they all start
> by the dumb "board.pcb.output". Did I miss some configuration of the
> project?

It starts with the name of your pcb file, not the name of the project.
Then ".output_" is appended, followed by the name of the group.
Names are shorter if in the print menu, you select "DOS (8.3) names".

> In addition Basista suggested to zip all gerber files into one to make
> sure, that nothing is lost on submission.

That's a normal request by the board shop.  I script the zip
process in a Makefile.  The zip also normally includes a README
file, specifying layer order, thicknesses, contact information,
etc.  I wish for an industry-standard file to associate Gerber file
name with layer, along with constraints on copper and dielectric
thicknesses, and materials.  I guess it doesn't exist yet.

      - Larry