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gEDA-user: arc angle confusion
The land pattern naming convention states the following about arc starting
St a r t i n g angle of arc ?
m e a s u r e d in degrees
cl o c k w i s e from
n e g a t i v e X axis (i.e.
d e g r e e s clockwise
fro m horizontal ray
p o i n t i n g to the left.)
For example:
ElementArc[30000 0 4700 4700 90 90 1000]
90 (first "90") is the start angle and the second is the sweep. I start
measuring from a point left (on-screen) of the center (30000, 0). The arc
should be in the top-right quadrant, right?
From the neg. x-axis, go 90 CW, start a 90deg. sweep of arc, 10mils wide ...
In PCB this is drawn in the bottom-right quadrant. What gives?