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Re: gEDA-user: My first symbol...

On Sat, Feb 18, 2006 at 11:44:31PM +0100, kmk wrote:
> At my former job we defined opamp symbols with the rails included in a
> separate slot. This power slots of all opamps plus their corresponding
> 100n caps could be conveniently clustered at one corner of the sheet.
> That way the schematics were less cluttered with boring power supplies
> and it was easier to read the circuit that actually does the work. This
> is especially adequate for dual or quad opamps.
> The separate power slot also avoids potential mistakes if you try to
> flip the symbol upside down to get the negative input above the positive
> input. With the current symbol this also flips the rails and the
> negative supply pin points upward.
> Of course, the power slot differs in many ways from the other slots.
> (only two pins, different graphics...) Is this possible with the gschem
> symbol format?

I do this all the time. I have an XC3S400 FT256 FPGA symbol broken into 10
pieces. Create multiple symbols for the part in seperate files and give
them all the same refdes when you place them in the schematic.

Darrell Harmon