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Re: gEDA-user: PCB & Gschem

Marc Price wrote:
I Guess i got to say footprint= but still havent worked out what for diodes resistors capacitors
also wouldnt it make sense for Gschem to have a drop down list of footprints and you just select the one you want .

so which footprint library do you want to use? Only the ones distributed with PCB? Only the ones in Johns library? Perhaps only IPC compliant names even if we dont' have PCB footprints? There are people using gschem for board design who are not using PCB as the layout tool so I'd imagine their valid choices will be different and there are many using PCB who maintain their own footprint library.

To top that off, what do you do about parts like say a 10H116 which comes in a PLCC20 or a DIP-16. The pin out is different for the 2 packages.

Don't get me wrong, this is a frustration for many people and I'd love to see a clean and simple solution, but there are some real issues to be addressed before any sort of useful solution can be put in place.

I think the best approach for the near term though is just to have a big list of all the available footprints from which ever library you care to use on hand at schematic creation time.
