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Re: gEDA-user: footprints

Stuart thanks for the explanation i was gonna say *(no way)* that sounds way too difficult i will add them manually but after looking at the screen shot i will give it a try

Marc :-P

Stuart Brorson wrote:

how do i use method 1

1. Save your schematic out and leave gschem. 2. From the command line, run gattrib on your schematic: gattrib foo.sch 3. Use the spreadsheet widget to attach the attributes to each resistor. Check out the gattrib screenshot to see how it looks:


4.  Save your design and leave gattrib.
5.  Go back to gschem and continue drawing your schematic.

Don't forget to save and leave each program before starting the other
one.  Lockfiles haven't been implemented yet, and each program writes
to the same .sch files, so be careful to not overwrite anything.
