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Re: gEDA-user: pintype of hidden power-pins

On Sunday 26 February 2006 19:09, Holger Oehm wrote:
> Hi,
> some symbols (like 74/7408-1.sym) have hidden power pins.
> If I use them, "gnetlist -g drc2 control.sch -o -" complains
> about pins with pintype 'unknown'.
> How would I specify (in my schematic or in the symbol) that 
> the pin 14 is not only connected to the net +5V, but also is of 
> type 'pwr'?
> Thank you for your help!
> Best,
> Holger.

I dug into the sources myself and it looks to me that there is
no simple solution for this problem.
I found out that pins which are created by the net= attribute simply 
cannot have any other attribute (they are not there as an OBJECT).
One fix could be, to supply a default value for the pintype attribute 
for these pins in g_netlist.c, like the following change in 
g_get_attribute_by_pinnumber() would do:
--- g_netlist.c.orig    2006-01-16 14:17:56.000000000 +0100
+++ g_netlist.c 2006-02-26 22:08:39.000000000 +0100
@@ -678,10 +678,21 @@
 #if DEBUG
                    if (return_value) {
                        printf("GOT IT: %s\n", return_value);
+               } else if (strcmp("pintype", wanted_attrib) == 0) {
+                       if (nl_current->cpins) {
+                               CPINLIST *pinobject = s_cpinlist_search_pin(nl_current->cpins, pin);
+                               if (pinobject) {
+                                       return_value="pwr";
+#if DEBUG
+                                       printf("Supplied pintype 'pwr' for artificial pin '%s' of '%s'\n",
+                                               pin, uref);
+                               }
+                       }
        nl_current = nl_current->next;

The change feels like a hack, though. Is there a better solution?


/"\ Holger Oehm <holger.oehm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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