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Re: gEDA-user: SPICE & gaf

Scott Dattalo wrote:
Stuart's tutorials on using SPICE with gaf are well written and easy to follow. Unfortunately, they need to be updated. Specifically, loading the schematics in gEDA/examples/RF_Amp (which are packaged in the 20061020 gaf release), give warnings like:

Loading schematic [/home/scott/projects/platypus/spice/ex_RF/MSA-2643.sch]
WARNING: Symbol version mismatch on refdes C1 (capacitor-1.sym):
Symbol in library is newer than instantiated symbol
Minor version change (file 0.100, instantiated 0.000)

Similar warnings also exist when the schematic is netlisted:

$ gnetlist -g spice-sdb -o MSA-2643.cir MSA-2643.sch

This warning is cleared up by simply updating all components (e.g. select the components followed by typing 'ep').
However the netlist encounters an error too (and is probably related to the warning):

Found a pin [X2] on component [2] which does not have a label!
Using SPICE backend by SDB -- Version of 12.27.2005
schematic-type = .SUBCKT Q1_MSA26F
ERROR: In procedure <:
ERROR: Wrong type argument in position 1: #f

This error is fixed in two steps. First, on the high level MSA-2643.sch, edit the transistor symbols and assign pinlabels to all of the pins. Then second, push down into X1 and X2 and assign the same names to the spice I/O connectors.

After this, all errors and warnings are removed from the gnetlist output.

At this point, the MSA-2643.cir produced by gnetlist exists, but cannot be simulated in ngspice. First of all, unlike the MSA-2643.cir packaged in 20061020 gaf, the one produced by gnetlist creates a SPICE .SUBCKT. I suspect some assumptions about hierarchical schematics are being violated.

Now, if I use the '-g spice' instead of the '-g spice-sdb' gnetlist guile backends, I get vastly different results. In particular, the spice backend output has numerous ' <No valid value attribute found>' errors in the .cir output.

That leaves me stuck again. Unless someone has more suggestions, I'll let this one sit for a while longer before picking it up again.


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