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gEDA-user: Code Sprint prep.

Could one of you real devs, as opposed to fake ones like me, point me to the right files.

(1) for the implementation of the ":foo" process. Specificly this, I would like to change the dialog from a dropdown menu to a more vim-like prompt on the bottom of the window. For now I'd like to give a go at allowing up/down keys for history, so I don't need to use a mouse.

(2) for drc() window focus, so you can deal with each DRC individually, as it appears. That way there is no need to re-call drc().

(3) adding non-90deg rotates.  I found rotate.{ch}, and I think I have a grasp on those routines, but where do I look for the calls to the functions in rotate.c.

I'm a noob to this code, pls be nice :)  or heckle at your leasure if you like.


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