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gEDA-user: YARR (grefdes) for refdes renumbering



As mentioned earlier, this seems to be the week of refdes renumbering
scripts.  I submitted mine as a patch on Sourceforge and it is
downloadable there.



Here is the write-up.

As promised at the code sprint, I've developed a new refdes numbering tool.
I'm tentatively calling it grefdes and it tries very hard to just "Do the
Right Thing"(TM).

By default, grefdes is gentle and preserves all existing refdes.
As designers who have gone through layout know, it is extremely inconvenient
to have a PCB layed out and then have all the reference designators change
underneath essentially putting everything in the wrong place. For the same
reason, new unassigned refdes are added at the end of the range. When ECOs
are done on a board it is easier for the layout engineer to have the parts
show up as new refdes and in an unplaced location off the board. If
existing refdes are reused then the layout engineer might not notice that
R2, which was already placed, now has terribly long traces.

Here's the output from grefdes --help

USAGE : grefdes [--test] [--renum||--reuse||--clear] [--pgskip #] sch1
USAGE : grefdes --help
USAGE : grefdes --version

grefdes reads a set of gschem schematic files and numbers the reference
By default, existing reference designators are preserved and unassigned
refdes are given numbers above the existing range. The original
schematics are
modified and overwritten unless the --test option is set.


--help Displays this help message.

--clear Clear all reference designators to their unassigned(X?) form.

--pgskip [#] When this flag is used, components on the first schematic
                   sheet are numbered starting with 101. On the second
sheet, they start
                   with 201, etc. Specifying a value sets the gap
between pages.
                   For example, --pgskip 10 will start with 11, 21, 31, etc.

--renum Force all reference designators to be renumbered.
        Existing refdes are overwritten.

--reuse Reuse gaps in the refdes range for newly assigned designators.
        Given a schematic with U1,U3,U10 any new refdes would be added
        at U2, U4-U9, and U11-.

--test Perform all operations but leave results in new files whose names are
       generated by appending ".renum" to the original file name.
       The default is to overwrite the original schematic.

--version Display the program version

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