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gEDA-user: gnetlist -gdrc2 output


I'm at the stage of processing my design through gnetlist so I can track down 
all the errors.

I'm having a little trouble with the output generated by a call like:

gnetlist -v -g drc2 pedio_5i20Aconn.sch pedio_5i20Bconn.sch ... (lots 
more .sch files) ... -o drc_output.txt >drc_stdout.txt 2>drc_stderr.txt

The problem is that I see reported errors, but it is difficult to work out 
where the error was caused; that is, in which schematic.

For example:

Checking slots...
ERROR: Multislotted reference U? has no slot attribute defined.

It would be very useful if the schematic on which the U? element appears was 
printed. The program where this should happen is get-drc2.scm. Having only 
programmed a little lisp about 7 years ago, I don't feel too much like 
getting stuck into this file.

What do other geda users do about error checking? Has anyone else had this 

Seb James

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