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Re: gEDA-user: Having trouble plotting after gnucap simulation

I see three mistakes .. one is in the documentation, one yours, 
and one is something with the program that really should be 

The documentation mistake ...

You need to do "-b" for batch mode.  Without "-b" it loads the 
file for interactive operation.

> $ gnucap opamp-vf.ckt
should be ..
> $ gnucap -b opamp-vf.ckt

Your mistake....

> .plot ac vdb(6) (-90,30) vp(6) (-180,180)
> .ac dec 5 1 10meg >opamp-vf.dat

.plot gives you an ascii plot.
You need .print

should be..
> .print ac vdb(6)  vp(6)
> .ac dec 5 1 10meg >opamp-vf.dat

In a print statement, the ranges don't do anything, so you can 
leave them out.

Now .. "something with the program that really should be 
changed" ....  The whole built-in plot code is rather old, part 
of the original C, translated from ratfor, that still lingers 
and needs to be done over or removed.  The interaction with 
some changes since then sometimes produces some strange 

So, you got an empty file, because there was no ".print" 

The tutorial was last updated 1999.  It is actually older than 
that.  That is why it still says "acs-tutorial" instead 
of "gnucap-tutorial".

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