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gEDA-user: Having trouble plotting after gnucap simulation

I am following the gnucap tutorial and am using the opamp-vf.ckt in the gnucap examples.  I'm using the following commands:

gnucap eg6.ckt
set data style lines
plot 'eg6.dat' using 1:2, 'eg6.dat' using 1:3, 'eg6.dat' using 1:4

Here's the circuit I used:

2 stage op-amp, conected as voltage follower 02/16/88
m1 3 6 5 8 cmosn w=5u l=5u ad=45p as=45p pd=28u ps=28u nrd=1.8 nrs=1.8
m2 4 1 5 8 cmosn w=5u l=5u ad=45p as=45p pd=28u ps=28u nrd=1.8 nrs=1.8
m3 3 3 9 9 cmosp w=5u l=5u ad=45p as=45p pd=28u ps=28u nrd=1.8 nrs=1.8
m4 4 3 9 9 cmosp w=5u l=5u ad=45p as=45p pd=28u ps=28u nrd=1.8 nrs=1.8
m5 5 7 8 8 cmosn w=5u l=5u ad=45p as=45p pd=28u ps=28u nrd=1.8 nrs=1.8
m6 6 4 9 9 cmosp w=9u l=5u ad=45p as=45p pd=28u ps=28u nrd=1.8 nrs=1.8
m7 6 7 8 8 cmosn w=5u l=5u ad=45p as=45p pd=28u ps=28u nrd=1.8 nrs=1.8
m8 7 7 8 8 cmosn w=5u l=5u ad=45p as=45p pd=28u ps=28u nrd=1.8 nrs=1.8
cc 4 6 5.0p
ib 9 7 .36u
vdd 9 0 2.5
vss 8 0 -2.5
cl 6 0 20p
vin 1 0 dc pulse(-1.0 1.0 200u 1u 1u 300u 600u) ac=1
.model cmosn nmos (level=2 ld=0.265073u tox=418.0e-10
+ nsub=1.53142e+16 vto=0.844345 kp=4.15964e-05 gamma=0.863074
+ phi=0.6 uo=503.521 uexp=0.163917 ucrit=161166
+ delta=1e-06 vmax=55903.5 xj=0.400000u lambda=0.01
+ nfs=3.5934e+12 neff=1.001 nss=1e+12 tpg=1.000000
+ rsh=29.3 cgdo=2.18971e-10 cgso=2.18971e-10
+ cj=0.0003844 mj=0.488400 cjsw=5.272e-10 mjsw=0.300200 pb=0.700000)
.model cmosp pmos (level=2 ld=0.299878u tox=418.0e-10
+ nsub=4.19363e+15 vto=-0.79089 kp=1.64047e-05 gamma=0.451645
+ phi=0.6 uo=198.577 uexp=0.343935 ucrit=110988
+ delta=0.956806 vmax=41456.3 xj=0.400000u lambda=0.02
+ nfs=1e+12 neff=1.001 nss=1e+12 tpg=-1.000000
+ rsh=107.6 cgdo=2.47722e-10 cgso=2.47722e-10
+ cj=0.0002281 mj=0.508000 cjsw=3.077e-10 mjsw=0.193500 pb=0.740000)
.print op iter(0) v(nodes)
.plot ac vdb(6) (-90,30) vp(6) (-180,180)
.ac dec 5 1 10meg >opamp-vf.dat
*ac steps start stop
.plot dc v(6) (-4,4)
.dc vin -5 5 .2
*dc start stop stepsize
.plot tran v(6) (-4,4)
.tran 10u 1000u 0
*tran step stop start

And this is the command prompt io:

[rob@localhost gnucap examples]$ gnucap opamp-vf.ckt
Gnucap 0.35
The Gnu Circuit Analysis Package
Never trust any version less than 1.0
Copyright 1982-2006, Albert Davis
This is free software, and you are welcome
to redistribute it under certain conditions
according to the GNU General Public License.
See the file "COPYING" for details.
2 stage op-amp, conected as voltage follower 02/16/88
gnucap> quit

[rob@localhost gnucap examples]$ gnuplot

        G N U P L O T
        Version 4.0 patchlevel 0
        last modified Thu Apr 15 14:44:22 CEST 2004
        System: Linux

        Copyright (C) 1986 - 1993, 1998, 2004
        Thomas Williams, Colin Kelley and many others

        This is gnuplot version 4.0.  Please refer to the documentation
        for command syntax changes.  The old syntax will be accepted
        throughout the 4.0 series, but all save files use the new syntax.

        Type `help` to access the on-line reference manual.
        The gnuplot FAQ is available from

        Send comments and requests for help to
        Send bugs, suggestions and mods to

Terminal type set to 'x11'
gnuplot> set style data lines
gnuplot> plot 'opamp-vf.dat' using 1:2
         no data point found in specified file


Why does the output to the gnuplot say "no data point found in spicified file"?  Should the data file have something when I open it in a text editor?  If so, why doesn't it?


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