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gEDA-user: gnucap is not recognizing known netnames

I simulated this simple circuit yesterday with no problems.  To day I made some minor changes and tried to simulate and I'm getting errors where gnucap can't recognize netnames that are there.  I changed everything back to yesterdays setup, except for the fedora update I did after booting up, and I'm still getting these errors.  I changed the netname to node 2 and it is faulting still.

I can't see what I'm doing wrong.  I'm listing the output from the netlister followed by the gnucap attempt and the netlist with the simulation commands:

--- checking package = X1
    device = IC
Found subcircuit.  Refdes = X1
Found .SUBCKT with model-file and model-name for X1
Checking prefix.  Package prefix =X
                  correct prefix =X
   nomunge mode = #f
  In write-net-names-on-component. . . .
     pin-name = 1
     pinnumber = 3
     pinseq = 1
     netname = topLeg
  In write-net-names-on-component. . . .
     pin-name = 2
     pinnumber = 2
     pinseq = 2
     netname = computerMic
  In write-net-names-on-component. . . .
     pin-name = 3
     pinnumber = 7
     pinseq = 3
     netname = Vcc
  In write-net-names-on-component. . . .
     pin-name = 4
     pinnumber = 4
     pinseq = 4
     netname = -Vcc
  In write-net-names-on-component. . . .
     pin-name = 5
     pinnumber = 6
     pinseq = 5
     netname = computerMic
  In write-net-names-on-component. . . .
     pin-name = 6
     pinnumber = 1
     pinseq = 6
     netname = 2
  In write-net-names-on-component. . . .
     pin-name = 7
     pinnumber = 5
     pinseq = 7
     netname = 3
We'll handle the file contents later . . .
--- checking package = C3
Found capacitor.  Refdes = C3
  In write-net-names-on-component. . . .
     pin-name = 1
     pinnumber = 1
     pinseq = 1
     netname = +5V
  In write-net-names-on-component. . . .
     pin-name = 2
     pinnumber = 2
     pinseq = 2
     netname = 0
--- checking package = C2
Found capacitor.  Refdes = C2
  In write-net-names-on-component. . . .
     pin-name = 1
     pinnumber = 1
     pinseq = 1
     netname = -Vcc
  In write-net-names-on-component. . . .
     pin-name = 2
     pinnumber = 2
     pinseq = 2
     netname = 0
--- checking package = C1
Found capacitor.  Refdes = C1
  In write-net-names-on-component. . . .
     pin-name = 1
     pinnumber = 1
     pinseq = 1
     netname = Vcc
  In write-net-names-on-component. . . .
     pin-name = 2
     pinnumber = 2
     pinseq = 2
     netname = 0
--- checking package = R8
    device = RESISTOR
Found resistor.  Refdes = R8
  In write-net-names-on-component. . . .
     pin-name = 1
     pinnumber = 1
     pinseq = 1
     netname = ecuMic
  In write-net-names-on-component. . . .
     pin-name = 2
     pinnumber = 2
     pinseq = 2
     netname = 0
--- checking package = R7
    device = RESISTOR
Found resistor.  Refdes = R7
  In write-net-names-on-component. . . .
     pin-name = 1
     pinnumber = 1
     pinseq = 1
     netname = 6
  In write-net-names-on-component. . . .
     pin-name = 2
     pinnumber = 2
     pinseq = 2
     netname = 5
--- checking package = R6
    device = RESISTOR
Found resistor.  Refdes = R6
  In write-net-names-on-component. . . .
     pin-name = 1
     pinnumber = 1
     pinseq = 1
     netname = 4
  In write-net-names-on-component. . . .
     pin-name = 2
     pinnumber = 2
     pinseq = 2
     netname = ecuMic
--- checking package = V3
    device = vac
Found independent voltage source.  Refdes = V3
  In write-net-names-on-component. . . .
     pin-name = 1
     pinnumber = 1
     pinseq = 1
     netname = V3
  In write-net-names-on-component. . . .
     pin-name = 2
     pinnumber = 2
     pinseq = 2
     netname = 0
Done writing SPICE cards . . .

Output file is written.  We are done.
[rob@localhost project-micSwitch]$ gnucap -b micnetlist.cktGnucap 0.35
The Gnu Circuit Analysis Package
Never trust any version less than 1.0
Copyright 1982-2006, Albert Davis
This is free software, and you are welcome
to redistribute it under certain conditions
according to the GNU General Public License.
See the file "COPYING" for details.
* gnetlist -v -g spice-sdb -o micnetlist.ckt micSwitch4Sim.sch
print ac v(ecuMic)
           ^ ? no match
[rob@localhost project-micSwitch]$ gnucap -b micnetlist.ckt
Gnucap 0.35
The Gnu Circuit Analysis Package
Never trust any version less than 1.0
Copyright 1982-2006, Albert Davis
This is free software, and you are welcome
to redistribute it under certain conditions
according to the GNU General Public License.
See the file "COPYING" for details.
* gnetlist -v -g spice-sdb -o micnetlist.ckt micSwitch4Sim.sch
print ac v(2)
           ^ ? no match
[rob@localhost project-micSwitch]$

*^^^^^^^^  End of included SPICE model from /home/rob/gaf/spice-files/LM741.subckt ^^^^^^^^
*==============  Begin SPICE netlist of main design ============
R5 3 2 1k  
V2 computerMic 0 dc 5
R4 V3 1 10k  
V1 topLeg computerMic ac 1
R3 computerMic topLeg 10k  
X3 1 4 +5V -5V ecuMic 5 6 LM741
.INCLUDE /home/rob/gaf/spice-files/LM741.subckt
R2 computerMic 0 100k  
C4 -5V 0 .1u  
R1 0 topLeg 100k  
X1 topLeg computerMic Vcc -Vcc computerMic 2 3 LM741
C3 +5V 0 .1u  
C2 -Vcc 0 .1u  
C1 Vcc 0 .1u  
R8 ecuMic 0 10k  
R7 6 5 1k  
R6 4 ecuMic 10k  
V3 V3 0 dc 5 ac 1

.print ac v(ecuMic)
.ac lin 300 3000 5 >micsim-ac.dat

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