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Re: gEDA-user: Problems cloning from git.gpleda.org
>> Yes, I made a change which affected http git access. I have
>> re-enabled git access via http. Please try again.
Cloning gaf.git works OK, but cloning pcb.git gives the same error
gareth@xdcnb047-vbox:~/devel/geda$ git clone http://git.gpleda.org/pcb.git
Initialized empty Git repository in /home/gareth/devel/geda/pcb/.git/
warning: remote HEAD refers to nonexistent ref, unable to checkout.
> You should be careful to avoid pulling from that method too frequently
> though, as comparative to the git:// method, it can be a bandwidth hog.
I have no choice here due to the proxy but I only pull to this machine
every week or two. I didn't know it was a more expensive operation,
though, I'll keep that in mind.
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