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Re: gEDA-user: Compiling and installing gschem: "Failed to load default font."
On Thu, 19 Feb 2009 12:54:22 +0000
Peter Clifton <pcjc2@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > I tried to install the git head of gschem. Compiling and installing
> > with
> >
> > ./autogen.sh
> > configure --prefix=/usr
> > make
> > sudo make install
> Did you install the "libgeda" and "symbols" portions in /usr as well
> before hand? The symbols package contains the font.
Yes, both, by issuing:
./configure --prefix=/usr
sudo make install
> Typically we'd suggest not installing hand-built software in /usr, as
> it can cause conflicts with the package management of what ever
> distribution you're using. If you wanted a system wide
> location, /usr/local works well without the risk of conflicts.
I'm aware of those issues, but I prefer to have only a single version
installed at a time. Package management conflicts will be resolved by
--force ;)
> > strace gschem says:
> >
> > write(9, "Component [title-B.sym] was not "..., 63) = 63
> > access("../lib/sym/font/b_.sym", R_OK) = -1 ENOENT (No
> > such file or directory) write(9, "Could not find character \'b\'
> > def"..., 41) = 41 access("../lib/sym/font/quest.sym", R_OK) = -1
> > ENOENT (No such file or directory) write(2, "Could not load
> > question font cha"..., 66) = 66 write(1, "Failed to load default
> > font.\n", 29) = 29 exit_group(-1) = ?
> I'm not sure if the relative paths there are normal or not, but in any
> case, we'd need to see whatever "chdir" command was issued above to
> figure out just where it is looking for these fonts.
It chdirs into the directory from which I issued the gschem command,
chdir("/home/denis") = 0
if run from my home directory or
chdir("/home/denis/Software/geda/gaf/symbols") = 0
if run from the directory where the sources reside.
> Have a look in /usr/share/gEDA/sym/font/ and see if they exist.
This directory does exist and is populated with symbol files.
Thanks for your help!
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