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gEDA-user: Snap to grid preventing selecting/dragging text

On Sun, 20 Feb 2011 00:10:40 -0800 (PST)
Oliver King-Smith <oliverks1@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> OK I see the error of my ways.  I had to turn off the grid so I could
> click on the refdes.

This brings up a good point.  Very often I have difficulty selecting
small components and more significantly text in pcb, due to
snap-to-grid being enabled.  I usually have to go through the menus
then and dial in a much finer grid so I can drag the text or component
that I want to grab, but it's a pain to do this often.  There are
certainly many ways to improve this aspect of the user experience,
such as a fuzzier picking algorithm (e.g., if the nearest grid point to
the mouse cursor isn't exactly on any entity, but text element's
bounding box intersects the grid X grid square centered on the grid
point, then pick that text element).

The recent discussion on improved grid handling would also improve
this.  For me, I would like keyboard shortcuts that quickly allow
more useful grid size changes.  I would never user "+5 mil"/"-5 mil"
since if working on an Imperial grid, I would use only 100 mil, 50 mil,
25 mil, 12.5, etc.  Thus useful shortcuts would be either direct
selection of the four most common grids, or double/halve grid spacing.


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