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gEDA-user: how to use an existing pcb newlib with gsch2pcb

Hi all,

I found an footprint (element) in pcb library. I greped through all
directories in geda and pcb and could find it.

The file is /usr/local/share/pcb/newlib/connectors/3terminal_screw_block

OK, in the file now I can see:
Element(0x00000000 "3 TERM BLOCK" "J2" "DK ED1602-ND" 1695 2925 -590 76 0
150 0x00000000)
    Pin(0 0 110 30 140 48 "1" "1" 0x00000001)
    Pin(-194 0 110 30 140 48 "2" "2" 0x00000001)3 TERM BLOCK
    Pin(-388 0 110 30 140 48 "3" "3" 0x00000001)
    ElementLine (-388 160 -388 140 10) 
    ElementLine (-489 160 -489 -200 10)
    ElementLine (101 160 -489 160 10) 
---- eof ----

What footprint name I have to add to the footrpint attribute in gschem to
this symbol in pcb after running gsch2pcb?
I tried "3 TERM BLOCK" and "J2" and "DK ED1602-ND" and allways got:
 CONN?: need new file element for footprint  DK-ED1602-ND (value=unknown)
CONN?: can't find PCB element for footprint DK-ED1602-ND (value=unknown)

The data was lost and the layout could not be done.

I have a file

Is this file correct for changing the path for the gsch2pcb or is there any
additional file?

In the file I have:
(component-library "/usr/local/share/pcb/m4")
(component-library "/usr/local/share/pcb/newlib")
(component-library "/usr/local/share/pcb/newlib/connectors")
(component-library "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/pcb/m4");
---- eof ----

I got no error message that there is something wrong but the gsch2pcb
did not run without errors. 

Is there any *actual*  tuturial. I have an gsch2pcb tuturial which leaves me
totally alone with newlib components.

Thanks for your help


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