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gEDA-user: ready-made style classes
I suggest for PCB that an entry "premade class", "ready made class" or
something similar was added into the "Sizes menu"
It would offer radio button "1"..."6" for construction classes 1 to 6. It took
me quite a time to "tune" my setting. They are currently
After pressing the button one would press "OK" or Cancel and after OK it would
ask him "do you really wish to overwrite all your current thickness settings
with this new construction class"?
linewidth via hole via size clearance
Signal 20 24 56 14
Power 40 35 70 14
Fat 80 50 90 14
Skinny 12 24 56 14
I have always been working in class 4 so unfortunately I can't offer
these tuned settings for other classes.
These settings looks like they don't present problems. It accounts even for the
more picky fab houses I encountered (some permit 0.3/0.3, some 0.35/0.3
space/copper). I have already designed 4 PCB's (Twister, I2C2P, Trinitrack, TX,
Trinitrack and TX aren't released yet but are already in manufacture) with
these settings.
I think these "border conditions" are one of the things that make commercial
packages attractive. Not always it's the code, often it's also the data that
attract the customer.
Clicking up particular class and then making subtle adjustments would be
definitely more pleasing than thinking it all completely up.
It should include the DRC constants too. For "my class 4" they are:
Pcb.Bloat: 1378
Pcb.minWid: 1182
Pcb.Shrink: 400
Pcb.minSlk: 800
( http://ronja.twibright.com/editing.php )