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Re: gEDA-user: PCB pin hole size

Wojciech Kazubski wrote:

There are many PCB libraries (m4 style) where components have pin hole
size=20 mil. This is too small for typical pin-through-hole components,
isn't it? Would 28 or 35 mil holes be better, or am I missing something

I think that 20mils hole was used to serve as drill guide for manual drilling. Even today it is usefull for fast prototyping of simple single sided circuits, there are some technologies that allow making pcb from laser printout in half an hour or so.
It would be better to make holes right size in footprint, but the option to reduce all holes on postscript printout would be still usefull (at least for some hobbyist). It should not be hard to implement.

Wojciech Kazubski

OK, but I think that it would be better to have the footprints with correct size holes and leting PCB create a drilling mask file, with crosses at hole centers.

[ ]'s
Walter Fetter Lages       <mailto:w.fetter@xxxxxxxx>