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gEDA-user: newbie problem

I downloaded the symbols at CVS compiled and installed them when i run Action >> Create Spice Netlist i see no errors but when i open a terminal and run gnetlist -g drc2 your_schematic.sch -o drc_output.txt i get the following, this was explained to me but i didnt quite follow it :/ cant get rid of these 16 errors Marc :)

Checking nets with only one connection...

Checking type of pins connected to a net...
ERROR: unknown: T1:4 D1:1 D2:2 connected to unknown: T1:4 D1:1 D2:2
ERROR: Net unnamed_net7 is not driven.
ERROR: unknown: D4:1 D3:2 connected to unknown: D4:1 D3:2
ERROR: Net unnamed_net6 is not driven.
ERROR: unknown: R1:3 Z1:2 U1:1 connected to unknown: R1:3 Z1:2 U1:1
ERROR: Net unnamed_net5 is not driven.
ERROR: unknown: T1:1 V1:2 connected to unknown: T1:1 V1:2
ERROR: Net unnamed_net4 is not driven.
ERROR: unknown: T1:2 V1:1 connected to unknown: T1:2 V1:1
ERROR: Net unnamed_net3 is not driven.
ERROR: unknown: U1:3 C5:1 C6:1 connected to unknown: U1:3 C5:1 C6:1
ERROR: Net unnamed_net2 is not driven.
ERROR: unknown: D5:2 D1:2 D4:2 R1:1 C3:1 C4:2 C1:1 C2:2 connected to unknown: D$ERROR: Net unnamed_net1 is not driven.
ERROR: unknown: T1:3 D2:1 D3:1 D5:1 C6:2 C5:2 U1:2 R1:2 Z1:1 C3:2 C4:1 C1:2 C2:$ERROR: Net GND is not driven.

Checking unconnected pins...

Checking slots...

Checking duplicated slots...

Checking unused slots...

No warnings found.
Found 16 errors.