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Re: gEDA-user: lost newbie

Al Davis wrote:

On Saturday 07 January 2006 03:08 pm, Stuart Brorson wrote:

[1] To the well-known simulation developer who e-mailed me
recently about LTSpice: Sorry, but LTSpice is a wonderful
simulator. And it's free (as in beer) too, which is
probably all that Marc cares about.

I meant what I said. Every word of it. For those who missed it, here it is again:
Promoting the competition again.....

Closed-source freeware is our most threatening competition.

Another possibility is Oregano and gnucap. This is a more integrated environment, and is still GPL.

If we can't beat LTSpice in the eyes of a newbie, we might as well shut the whole gEDA project down. We need to beat them on their terms.

I believe we can, but we need to make some changes. We need to recognize our weaknesses and deal with them. In some cases, major surgery is required. We need to take the lead.

We should own the beginner market. Not just be a player in it, we should OWN it. I believe we can do it. All of "free technology" in electronics is dependent on us. We are the ambassadors of free/open-source to EE's.

When we tell newcomers to go away, to such a competitor, we admit failure. When we tell them to go to a competitor that laughs at us, we really admit failure.

Oregano is a friend.  It is GPL, etc...

Gnucap is here. The developers are on this list, unlike NG-Spice...

But LT-Spice, Eagle, the PSPICE demo, the Multi-sim demo .... sorry.

I support Al Davis. We need to bring more people into the free software.

Close Window$ ! Open source !! Free software from proprietary mafia.
