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PICs [was Re: gEDA-user: wont be watching list :(]

On 1/17/06, Eric Daine <daine_ep@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Right now I use PICs in everything I build.  I love the PICs, and have
> spent a great deal of
> time learning about them, however, if I want to use C I am locked to a
> proprietery compiler.
> Right now I am keeping one old win98 machine going just to manage this
> code :(

didn't the SDCC PIC port ever get finished? I thought it was pretty
close a few years ago.

There's always the 8051, too... not that it's so much better than any
other processor, but because it's pretty easy to second-source.


> Been thinking about moving to the Atmel line as they too like the
> Renesas chips are sort of built
> for C, from what I can gather the PICs are ineffecient in this regaurd.

the PICs with register-to-register transfers shouldn't be that bad, if
the compiler does a decent job of register allocation.

- Charles Lepple