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RE: Re: gEDA-user: gschem BUS status


I am interested in helping, I have started digging through how gschem
is put together and started experimenting with scheme. I'm not comfortable yet but I'm getting there.

In addition to hierachial busses, I am interested in bussed pins. I am in the habit of putting address and data busses on one pin. In viewdraw
I label the pin D[0:31] and put pin numbers #=1,2,3,...32.  This saves
a lot of drawing space. When I troubleshoot I use a manufact. package pictorial of bus pin placement anyway (for these busses).  Bussed pins I see as a little different, hierarchal symbols don't need the pin numbers. 

I would like to see what you have implemented... 


>Steve Meier
>david@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
>>What is the status of busses in gschem?
>>I looks to me like gschem lets you draw them
>>but expects any processing to be done elsewhere.
>>Has there been any discussion about aliasing net
>>names to bus related names by rippers?
>>I like the feel of gschem, At my paying job I
>>am a Viewdraw user, I like the similarities
>>although I have not crashed gschem yet, enough said!
>>Good job guys with the gEDA project, I hope 
>>to be able to contribute, I am experimenting with
>>modifying the PADS backend to increase the 
>>attributes passed to PADS.  PCB looks good too
>>but just doesn't have quite the capabily, yet...