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gEDA-user: Re: Hide specific rats nests

On Mon, 15 Jan 2007 18:34:48 +0100, Hans Nieuwenhuis wrote:

> In the netlist window, doubleclick on the specific rat name, then press
> 'o' on your board window. Your rats are hidden for that net. In the
> Netlist window an asterisk appears in from of the rat name. To reverse:
> follow the same procedure.
> HTH,

Yes, that helps! :-)

I had guessed the netlist wuindow would be the right place for this. But I
only tried singleclicks on left, right and middle mouse button. How about
a little hint on the bottom of the dialog: "Doubleclick to disable net"?

PS: I added this hint to the geda-wiki.
Kai-Martin Knaak

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