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Re: gEDA-user: Some pcb pecularities

--- DJ Delorie <dj@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> > 1) Long lines do funny things if zoomed in a lot.
> I've recently seen short lines and arcs get exploded
> in the lesstif
> version too, but haven't tracked it down yet.

The "new" GUI drawing code simply scales the line and
then converts the (now overflowed coordinated) to
short ints and sends them X to render. Before the HID
came along, there was clipping code that prevented
this coordinate overflow and thus produces correct
drawing (usually).  But the desire for eye-candy and
"fluff" won out over correctness.  Presenly in CVS
only *polygons* are always rendered correctly
regardless of zoom level.


> > 3) Auto router and manual line drawing tool
> interpret line clearance
> > differently. If clearance is set to 10 mil for a
> particular route style,
> > the auto routed lines will punch a 10 mil gap into
> polygons. With manually
> > drawn lines the gap is just 5 mil. I'd say, the
> auto router is correct. 
> According to the documentation, "clearance" is the
> amount added to the
> thickness of the line, so a 10 mil clearance should
> result in a 5 mil
> gap on each side of the line.  At least, that's what
> the file format
> spec says.

The file specs are for the file. The GUI interface
should define clearance as the gap on each side.
Just like "join" is compliment of clear-line, there
are some historic strangenesses in the file format,
but they should only apply to the file format.  I
believe the current CVS has the clearance correct for
both manual and auto-routed lines.

> > 4) Rubber band move of automatically generated
> vias results in a mess of
> > tracks. Some tiny tracklets seem to be expanded
> rather than moved. 

One end stays where it was and the other moves with
the via - the definition of rubber banding. Still,
it's not what the user wants. This is already an open
bug on the SF tracker.

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