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gEDA-user: library search path concept --> implementation ideas

> a r wrote:
That's what I'm looking for.
> [jg]It's just a concept so far -- not implemented.

> Might be possible to "just do it" it with a startup script used for a project,
> different for each project, that creates links to first found on  a search path
> in a project library that is just links to .sym files in libraries that are incompatible,
rsync'd from remote published part libraries, etc.  The "first match found on search path"
is the one you will display in the gschem select component window.  The way to make that
happen I am thinking of first is:

Take one dir, under your control, and tell gschem about it in  ~/.gEDA/gschemrc with a line like:
(component-library "${HOME}/EEProjects/ecosensors-pub.git/gschem-cibolo")

Usually such a dir would contain dirs of symbols to be shown in the GUI, but to implement search path
instead, a script you run as gschem is opened uses a list, ( could be  ~/.gEDA/searchpathrc),
to decide how to create a bunch of links to your various symbols in different places.

The goal of this script is to create a merged set of dirs with symbol links in them, where
only one symbol of any one name exists.  If it runs before gschem opens, it would need to
iterate a lot and might grind and deserve to be killed, but for some sizes of libraries it
might be good.

The $$ software I am remembering for this feature probably did the search
only as each request for a component to place was made, and kept the results in memory only,
not as hard drive links.  The $$ software was based on LISP/scheme/guile
so this might not be too very impossible.  Might only take slightly longer than the
difficult stuff we do every day...

John Griessen

Ecosensory   Austin TX

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