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gEDA-user: Symbols: mixed slotted elements and dedicated pins?
Hi all,
I have what is probably a bit of a stupid question with regard to
gschem: how do I create (and use) symbols with both multiple identical
(slotted) elements and one or more dedicated pins?
Usually, I try looking up a symbol with a similar layout, but I got a
bit confused here. For example, there are two different CMOS 4053
symbols. The 4053-1.sym features separate dual-channel switches,
selectable by defining the slot. But how do I connect the Enable and VEE
pins (#6 and 7, respectively) to an arbitrary other component? And how
to connect the power pins? When I look into the .sym file, I see that
VDD, VSS and VEE have been defined as nets (with Enable tied to VSS --
which is not good). Does this mean that all VEE pins from multiple
4053's are automatically tied together?
The alternative symbol, 4053-2.sym, is not slotted, but also has named
nets for VSS, VDD and VEE.
I'm actually trying to create a symbol for my latest favourite, the
TS925 quad opamp with standby input and phantom ground output (see
How do I define this device as four slotted opamp elements with
dedicated standby and phantom ground pins? Or would I better create one
big, 16-pin symbol incorporating everything?
Once more my apologies if this is a stupid question, but I couldn't find
a conclusive answer in the mailing list archives or the gEDA wiki.
Thanks in advance, best regards,
Richard Rasker
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