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gEDA-user: Problem with square pads without holes and rounded SMD in gerber


Created a component and modified the pad property to square instead of
rounded, and in the gerber file they show up square, but no indication
of a hole. In pcb there is a hole in the pad. I used the description
for newlib footprint creation from the pcb manual to create the
symbol, and it looks just like any other newlib, except that I have my
pins square.

I also placed a couple of 0805 SMD footprints for resistors from the
newlib/geda library coming with pcb and these show up in gerber with
rounded corners, they are more round than square. In pcb the pads are
all square

I use pcb version 20091103 and gerbview 20090216-final from debian repository.

Am I missing a tool file for gerber or is there a setting that I have missed?

Kind regards,

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