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gEDA-user: Gnetlist, spice and probes


I like to draw simulations on gschem, along with probes, without worrying about which net will be which
or naming them by hand. 

I made small patch for spice-sdb backend for gnetlist that allows to list special component with attribute
device=probe generates spice alike print statements. 

It's a bit imperfect, because some simulation tools allow to use something beyond V(netnumber), I even thought
about adding some attribute to probe pin to let spice-sdb:write-probe-item fetch data directly from each pin
(in case one create multipin probe). But so far I am happy with plain voltage ones. 

gnet-spice-sdb.patch and probe.sym in attachment.

ps. please forgive me weak english, and even weaker scheme.

best regards

Maciej Pijanka
--- /home/agaran/geda/share/gEDA/scheme/gnet-spice-sdb.scm	2009-11-14 20:59:47.000000000 +0100
+++ /home/agaran/geda/share/gEDA/scheme/gnet-spice-sdbt.scm	2010-01-15 18:56:00.000000000 +0100
@@ -1256,6 +1256,57 @@
+; most of this code is shamelessly copied from write-net-names-on-component
+; probably net-on-component could take one more argument that will be formater
+; which receives pin data those generated in let, etc
+; then this cruft might just provide own formater and reuse code
+(define spice-sdb:write-probe-item
+  (lambda (refdes number-of-pins port)
+    (if (> number-of-pins 0)
+      (begin
+        (spice-sdb:write-probe-item refdes (- number-of-pins 1) port)
+        (let* ((pin-name (number->string number-of-pins))
+	       (pinnumber (gnetlist:get-attribute-by-pinseq refdes pin-name "pinnumber"))
+	       (pinseq (gnetlist:get-attribute-by-pinseq refdes pin-name "pinseq"))
+	       (netname (car (spice-sdb:get-net refdes pinnumber)) )
+	       )
+;; -------  Super debug stuff  --------
+	  (debug-spew "  In write-probe-item. . . . \n")
+	  (debug-spew (string-append "     pin-name = " pin-name "\n"))
+	  (debug-spew (string-append "     pinnumber = " pinnumber "\n"))
+	  (debug-spew (string-append "     pinseq = " pinseq "\n"))
+	  (debug-spew (string-append "     netname = " netname "\n"))
+;; ------------------------------ 
+	  (if (not (string=? netname "ERROR_INVALID_PIN"))
+             (display (string-append "V(" netname ") ") port)     ;; write out attached net if OK.
+             (debug-spew (string-append "For " refdes ", found pin with no pinseq attribute.  Ignoring. . . .\n"))
+          )
+        )  ;; let*
+      ) ;; begin
+    ) ;; if
+  ) ;; lambda
+(define spice-sdb:write-probe
+  (lambda (package port)
+    ;; fetch only one attr we care about, so far
+    (let ((value (gnetlist:get-package-attribute package "value"))
+	 ) ;; end of local assignments
+    (debug-spew (string-append "Found Probe item, refdes = " package "\n"))
+    (if (string=? value "unknown")
+      (set! value "TRAN"))
+    (display (string-append ".print " value " ") port)
+    (spice-sdb:write-probe-item package (length (gnetlist:get-pins package)) port)
+    (newline port)
+  ) ;; end of let
+ ) ;; close of lambda
+) ;; close of define
 ;; Given a refdes and number of pins, this writes out the nets
 ;; attached to the component's pins.  This is used to write out
@@ -1617,6 +1668,8 @@
               (spice-sdb:write-directive package port))
           ( (string=? device "include")
               (spice-sdb:write-include package port))
+          ( (string=? device "probe")
+              (spice-sdb:write-probe package port))
           ( else 
 	      (spice-sdb:write-default-component package file-info-list port))
         ) ;; end of cond
@@ -1787,7 +1840,7 @@
 ;;   5.  If the schematic-type is .SUBCKT:  write out .ENDS,  Otherwise: write out .END
 ;;   6.  Close up the SPICE netlist file and return.
-(define spice-sdb
+(define spice-sdbt
   (lambda (output-filename)
 ;; First find out if this is a .SUBCKT lower level, 
v 20091004 2
P 0 0 500 1000 1 0 0
T 0 0 5 10 0 0 0 0 1
T 855 495 5 10 0 1 0 0 1
pinlabel=probe (tran)
T 705 245 5 10 0 1 0 6 1
T 0 0 5 10 0 0 0 0 1
L 500 1000 1200 1000 3 0 0 0 -1 -1
T 595 795 8 10 1 1 0 0 1
T 595 1095 8 10 1 1 0 0 1

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