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gEDA-user: Fwd: Dumb newby installation problem
I've been trying to install gEDA/gaf under Mandrake Linux 9.0 for some
time now. I've downloaded the source files by anonymous CVS, and installed
them in /usr/local/src/gEDA, and edited line 13 of the Makefile to
After downloading and installing gtk and glib, "make xinstall" seemed to
work, once. Following it with "make install" didn't work.
I then down-loaded all the .tar.gz files (geda, geda-gschem,
geda-gsymcheck, guile etc) into /usr/local/src/gEDA/geda/devel after which
running "make xinstall" seemed to work fine.
Trying to run "make install" as the next stage of the process produced the
following sequence.
(cd libgeda: ./configure ---prefix=/root/geda)
loading cache ./configure cache
.configure: line 534: syntax error near unexpected token 'noweb/s_basic.nw'
.configure: line 534: 'AC_CONFIG_SRCDIR(noweb/s_basic.nw)
make: *** [libgeda/config.h]
I went off and found noweb, downloaded it - as .rpm files - with icon2,
and installed both. Didn't make any difference.
exists, but trying to run noweb/s_basic.nw in the
/usr/local/src/gEDA/geda/devel/libgeda/noweb directory doesn't work,
despite the advice you find if you look inside 's_basic.nw' with vi.
I think I've got as far as I'm going to get with my limited grasp of Linux
- any advice gratefully received.
Bill Sloman, Nijmegen