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gEDA-user: Re: Dumb newby installation problem

At 08:53 24/07/2003 +1000, you wrote:

On Wed, 23 Jul 2003 17:50:13 +0200
Bill Sloman <bill.sloman@planet.nl> wrote:

> >
> >I've been trying to install gEDA/gaf under Mandrake Linux 9.0 for some
> >time now. I've downloaded the source files by anonymous CVS, and installed
> >them in /usr/local/src/gEDA, and edited line 13 of the Makefile to
> >
> >DIR_PREFIX=/usr/local/src/gEDA/geda/devel
> >
> >After downloading and installing gtk and glib, "make xinstall" seemed to
> >work, once. Following it with "make install" didn't work.
> >
> >I then down-loaded all the .tar.gz files (geda, geda-gschem,
> >geda-gsymcheck, guile etc) into /usr/local/src/gEDA/geda/devel after which
> >running "make xinstall" seemed to work fine.
> >
> >Trying to run "make install" as the next stage of the process produced the
> >following sequence.
> >
> >(cd libgeda: ./configure ---prefix=/root/geda)
> >loading cache ./configure cache
> >.configure: line 534: syntax error near unexpected token 'noweb/s_basic.nw'
> >.configure: line 534: 'AC_CONFIG_SRCDIR(noweb/s_basic.nw)
> >make: *** [libgeda/config.h]
> >
> >I went off and found noweb, downloaded it - as .rpm files - with icon2,
> >and installed both. Didn't make any difference.
> >
> >/usr/local/src/gEDA/geda/devel/libgeda/noweb/s_basic.nw
> >
> >exists, but trying to run noweb/s_basic.nw in the
> >/usr/local/src/gEDA/geda/devel/libgeda/noweb directory doesn't work,
> >despite the advice you find if you look inside 's_basic.nw' with vi.
> >
> >I think I've got as far as I'm going to get with my limited grasp of Linux
> >- any advice gratefully received.
The problem seems to have been that my grasp of Linux is even more limited than I thought.

Running "make xinstall" was enough to install gEDA. Running "make install" without untarring the .tar.gz files didn't work, as I should have been able to work out, and was, in any event, a completely unnecessary alternative to running "make xinstall".

I guess I've still got run "make clean" to get rid of the intermediate files (not that they do anything except waste disk space).

Today's problem is finding a place to add /root/geda/bin to the PATH variable, so that it stays added from session to session. The bash profile in my home directory looks as if it is the right place, and tagging it on the PATH= line seems to work, but adding LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/root/geda/lib in the same file doesn't seem to work.

Lots of brain-destroying fiddling to go, but I've put two transistors onto a schematic, which is definite progress.

Bill Sloman, Nijmegen